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Selectmen Minutes 03/06/2012
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
March 6, 2012

Members present:  Richard DeBold, Jeff Jordan
Others Present:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Lucille Noel, Michele Plunkett, Jim Plunkett, Pat Clarke, John Martell, John Freeman, Donna Chagnon, Matt Cole

Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00PM.  

Department Heads

EMD:  John asked about the Scheys FEMA application.  Nancy reported that the Scheys are just about ready to submit their application.

Police:  Chairman DeBold signed the paperwork for the Sobriety and Operation Safe Commute grants.  Chief Clarke will be bringing Clint Cassavaugh on as a part-time officer.  
A plea offer was discussed.  The Selectmen are in agreement with Chief Clarke’s recommendations.

Building:  New house permit on Short Falls Road.  Jim discussed the driveway and a need to have the house mover assess the bridge culvert and possibly sign a waiver.  Jim will work with Nancy on the waiver.

Fees since Feb. 21 = $707.40

Fire:  ICS 300 course is complete.  ICS 400 will be offered in April.  The Department is preparing a short truck presentation for Town Meeting and for their open house on March 14th.  At the April 3 Selectmen’s meeting Concord Hospital will bring the Lucas CPR device and demonstrate it.
The Department received a letter of thanks from the City of Concord for their excellent work at the Green Martini/Endicott Hotel fire on February 12th.  

Paul Sanborn completed a 40 hour course in Advanced Safety Management.

Highway:  Jim will be updating the map for the Highway Block Grant.  The crew has been opening culverts in advance of the warm weather.  Roads are posted as of March 15th.  The kingpins had to be replaced on the 1997 orange truck - $1,700.  Jim has been updating the Facebook page.  Jim left a note for the homeowner near the Webster Mills Street light to contact him so that he can talk to him about having the light turned off.  The Fire Truck may soon be for sale.  The Selectmen would like to put it out to bid.  They recommend posting it in the paper as well as on Craigslist.  

Library:  The Library is having an open house this Saturday from 10-2 and other one on Monday March 12th from 6-8.  They will be having a second session of Scandinavian rug making, Organic Gardening on the 28th and Story hour with the SPCA on the 29th.  There are still raffle tickets available for the cherry pie.

Other Business

Abatement:  Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to approve the abatement request for Map 4 Lot 1-A as recommended by the assessor.  Motion passed.

Town Meeting:  The Selectmen received a letter from a citizen with suggestion for items to have at Town Meeting.  The Selectmen agreed to have the demographics information available.

Road Advisory Committee:  Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to appoint Richard Millette to the Road Advisory Committee.  Motion passes.

CIP:  The Capital Improvement Committee is in need of members.  
Veterans Exemption:  A resident, who received misinformation regarding the Veteran’s exemptions, would like consideration from the Selectmen.  There is nothing the Selectmen can do at this time.  Nancy will communicate with the resident.  

A motion by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 8:18pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,


Nancy Tanner

_______________________         ________Absent___________      ________________________
 Richard DeBold, Chairman              D.  Michael Paveglio                                Jeffrey Jordan